Charles Duhigg, the author of Power of Habits, emphasized that organizational habits provide hundreds of unwritten rules that companies need to operate. These routines reduce uncertainties and relief workers when there are disasters.

Similar to individual habits, organizational habits enable work to get done easily. A study from Utrecht University showed that the difference between successful and failed designers is their routines. Fashion is a complicated industry that entails setting the right processes. Without the processes in place, a new company will be bogged down with logistics, and once that happens, creativity ceases to matter.

The Starbucks company, for instance, manifested on its organizational habits made them a successful one. The main core value that Starbucks inculcate to its employees is willpower. The company is prominent in providing various trainings to its employees because Starbucks is not a coffee business serving people but it is a people business serving coffee.

Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks believes that you can’t offer the best quality of customer service if you can’t equip your people with self-discipline which can be honed through the company’s training. Employees can surely handle customers with adverse attitudes by molding their willpower and self-confidence.

More than that, Starbucks employees have undergone tons of trainings to adopt routines that can be utilized during stressful inflection situations. Such organizational habits made them excel in offering the best customer service.

“Destructive habits, on the other hand, can be found within hundreds of industries and at thousands of firms. These are products of the thoughtlessness of leaders who avoid thinking about culture and so let it develop without guidance,” Charles Duhigg

Organizational keystone routines are not limited to success but also to create amazing changes for companies. Equipping your people with routines will help them appreciate and understand the nature of their jobs and also the mission of the company.